Upload Submission Guidelines
Please review the requirements and guidelines before ordering the Richter Retainer
Cost per retainer = $70.00
We need at least 5 mm on the buccal surface when scanning
We need at least 3 mm of the hamular notch
We need 3 mm of the retromolar pad
Please Scan with WIRES REMOVED at least 7 days prior to debond appointment. Retainer processing time is 2 days, with 2-3 day shipping. Please do not make arch wire changes or detailing at scanning appointment.
Scan Requirements: When Exporting
Export type: Open shell
Data format: arches oriented into occlusion
File format: STL
File size: High quality
Patient name:
Scan Requirements: While Scanning - Refer to photos
Scan with WIRES REMOVED at least 7 days prior to debond appointment. Retainer processing time is 2 days, with 2-3 day shipping. Please do not make arch wire changes or detailing at scanning appointment.
Upper and lower scans required to process order even if only ordering one upper or lower.
Please note: if a bonded retainer is indicated take the scan with the bonded retainer in place.
Please note: If you would like to have the retainers ready for the patient at the de-bond appointment, scan the patient with the wires out at the appointment before the de-bond, and we will virtually remove the brackets. This is the preferred method to avoid delays in shipping.
We need at least 5 mm on the buccal surface when scanning
We need at least 3 mm of the hamular notch
We need 3 mm of the retromolar pad
Please allow 3 business days to fabricate once scan is received.
Overnight shipping is $54.00
2 day is $16.00
Examples of Upper Placement Needed
Examples of Lower Placement Needed
PVS Impressions
If you don’t have a scanner, you can mail the PVS impressions along with the lab slip and a bite registration (preferably PVS). The preferred protocol if taking PVS impressions is to provide temporary Essix retainers to the patient because of the delay in shipping. Overnight shipping is $54.00, 2 day is $16.00.
Richter Retainer Use Considerations for the Orthodontist:
​If any of the upper or lower incisors were rotated more than 20 degrees pretreatment, a bonded retainer is recommended in addition to the Richter Retainer.
If the upper 2s were extruded more than 1.5 mm during treatment, a bonded retainer is recommended in addition to the Richter Retainer. *** Dimples will be placed in the embrasure spaces mesial and distal of the upper 2s to help reduce the risk of intrusional relapse of the upper 2s.
If the posterior bite is open 2mm or more, it is recommended to continue orthodontic treatment to get the posterior bite to be open less than 2mm.
Inform the patient that the bite may take 9-12 months to settle.
The Richter Retainer is not indicated for patients whose teeth are overly protrusive. If teeth are too flared, the retainer tends to lock in necessitating more force to remove and more breakage.