Consent Form
Richter Retainer Patient Agreement
Please review the requirements and guidelines before ordering the Richter Retainer
Retainer Wear
Once given the Richter Retainer it is recommended to wear 24/7 for 3 months removing only to eat and brush. After the 3 month period nighttime wear is recommended indefinitely.
If the retainers are not worn as suggested teeth will likely relapse, requiring additional treatment at an additional cost.
Any fit or discomfort issues should be reported to your orthodontist immediately to prevent any potential relapse.
The Richter Retainer is the final retainer. No additional retainers are required, such as an Essix retainer that covers the teeth. Please allow 9-12 months for the back teeth to settle in.
Follow up Richter Retainer Appointments
A 3 month retainer check is recommended after the delivery of the Richter Retainer. This will allow the orthodontist to check the progress of settling of the posterior teeth.
Please bring all retainers to future appointments.
If you need to be seen sooner please call the office to schedule an appointment.
How to clean your retainers
It is important to brush and floss your teeth twice a day to prevent stains and cavities. Staining of the retainer may occur due to poor oral hygiene.
When you take your retainers out in the morning, make sure you rinse them with COLD water and brush them with a soft toothbrush and soap. Do this 1-2 times a day.
Antibacterial and dish soap work best.
Do not use toothpaste on your retainers. It will cause them to look foggy and wear down faster.
To freshen and deep clean the retainer(s) you can purchase Retainer Brite from Amazon or a gentle retainer cleaner from the store. Use as directed from the directions on the box.
You can do this up to 2-3 times a week.
Denture cleaner is not recommended for cleaning the Richter Retainer as it can wear down the retainer and cause wear and tear.
Retainer DOs and DONTs
DON’T eat or drink anything with your retainers in. WATER IS OKAY.
DON’T boil, microwave, or soak your retainers in anything except what’s suggested for retainer products. This will permanently deform them and require replacements.
DO keep your retainer away from dogs. DOGS LOVE TO CHEW THEM UP!
DO keep your retainers in the case provided. Never wrap in a napkin, etc.
DO remove them by starting in the back, don’t start in the front THAT’S HOW THEY CRACK.
If your retainers get thrown away, lost, stepped on, your dog eats them, etc., it will cost $_____ PER ARCH to replace.
If you notice wear and tear due to natural causes, please contact your orthodontic office to get your retainer evaluated.
Patient Consent
I have read, understand, and agree to the instructions and policies stated above.
Print Name: ______________________________________
Sign Name: ______________________________________
Date: ___________/_____________/____________